Monday, April 30, 2018

Charlotte's Utopia

This week I'm interviewing a few of my friends to get their version of a utopia.  This is my friend, Charlotte and this is her utopia.

Charlotte (left) Me (middle) Jessica (right)

1. When you hear the word utopia what are three words that pop into your head?
Perfect, Clean, Sparkly

2. If you were on a deserted island what are three things you'll take with you?
I would take food, friends, and books

3. What do you see yourself doing in the next five years?
I know I want to go to college, but I'm not sure what college I want to go to yet

4. Would you want to have a utopia or dystopia?
A Dystopia because it's better and well organize

5. If utopia was a food what would it be?

6. Describe your perfect utopia or dystopia.
There would be no hot fries and everything would be plastic like the movie Lorax. People would have no say and no individualism. The citizens would wear uniforms

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Guess Who's Back!!!

                           It's been a really long time since my last post. I had to take a break to think about the future of my blog. What is Hercoolutopia? What does that stand for?  I've been thinking about that for months now. Then it hit me... Hercoolutopia can be anything😃. Hercoolutopia isn't just a fashion blog or a writer's blog. Hercoolutopia is a utopia. It's going to be filled with so many creative things and it's an inspirational source for people.  
I did this in my health class😃