Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Cute Drawings In New Style

I hope everyone had a fabulous Wednesday. I've made some characters in a new drawing style. In my other drawing posts, you could see how I originally drew characters. 

That's Creative: Sketching

Cute Food Drawings

Drawings: Neko

Here is a new style of drawing that I tried-

This is Cat without color(Yes I named all my drawings😁)

This is Cat with color. I think she looks adorable 😍❤

Meet Honey. She's in a bear onesie!

This is Honey with color!  

This is the start of Fire. This is how I started all the other drawings pretty much.

Here's Fire fully drawn

Now here she is with some color

Hope you enjoyed them. To be honest I shocked myself. I never thought I could draw something like these. I'm truly proud of these drawings.

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