Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Teenager Posts

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Hey guys T here!

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 School is back in session sadly. I wasn't ready for winter break to end and definitely wasn't ready to wake up at 5:00 in the morning just to get ready for school😦 

Anyways, I was scrolling around on Pinterest when I found this: 

Teenager post wow I thought I was alone in this lol... then I start tying them together...---no way! Ditto
When I saw this I thought it was funny because I would do that too. Let's see some more:
TEENAGER Post School | girlwiththebeaniehat:Teenager postIf only school went fast #wish

They say the most dangerous game you can play is turning your alarm off and then going back to sleep. I missed the bus so many times because of that.
Teenager Post. People just don't get me when I do that
I'm pretty much like that too. It could of happen a week ago and I'll still laugh like it happened a few seconds ago😂😂.

These types of posts are funny and relatable. I've made a new board on Pinterest if anyone wants to see some more.

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