Happy Sunday guys! On my last post Horror Results (just swing on by there if you haven't already *wink* *wink*) I said the scariest place in the world is a human's own mind.
I got some answers on my Instagram. All of them pretty much agreed with me, but one. This person said "Heck nah. It can be one of the weirdest and most deranged things to exist, but it doesn't get that #1 spot." I didn't expect that type of response.
Curious about why this person answered no I reached out to her and asked why she thought that. Her response was "The products of the human mind is the scariest thing in the world. What people think can be a bit messed up yea, but once they choose to act upon those thoughts; that's when it gets scary"
I was shocked because I always thought the human mind was the scariest thing based on a person's imagination and thoughts. It never crossed my mind that the products of a human mind can be both great and scary.
As promised, for those who are interested in creepy stories there is a YouTuber called Llama Arts and he makes animations to creepy stories. Another YouTuber called Mr.Nightmare voices over them. As you may or may not know I'm not really into watching creepy/horror videos. How did I get on this guy's channel? I have no idea, but the animations are cool and the stories are addictive. Here are a few videos from him
After watching this video, forget about having a big house. I'm going to live in a shack where it's impossible for someone to just live in there without me noticing. (I actually plan on living in a nice apartment, with some hi-tech alarm systems.)
I hope the parents paid this guy extra after what he had to go through.
Since Halloween is right around the corner here's a video for those who are going trick or treating.